Physiological density
Physiological density

physiological density

It collects, collates, analyses and reports data on national, urban/rural and city level in order to monitor human settlement conditions and trends. United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT) looks at urbanization from a different angle. Those estimates are presented in World Urbanization Prospects. The Division also uses data on population density and urbanization as input for estimating urbanization. The latest estimates and projections of population size are published in the World Population Prospects. These estimates and projections are based on national data provided by the United Nations Statistics Division. United Nations Population Division prepares United Nations estimates and projections of population by age and sex for countries and areas of the world. Other agencies or organizations that deal with population size and structure include

  • ethnocultural characteristics (i.e., national or ethnic origin, religion and language).
  • geographic areas (urban/rural, major geographic areas, cities with 100 000 population).
  • More specifically, the following information are gathered:

    physiological density

  • Principles Governing International Statistical Activities.
  • Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics.
  • National and international data sources and links.
  • #Physiological density registration

  • Civil registration and vital statistics.

  • Physiological density